Membership Committee

This committee is responsible for coordinating all membership services to MACPO. The committee meets monthly or more as needed. Activities include maintenance of a master membership roster, participation in student outreach activities (e.g. career fairs and educational speaking engagements), maintenance of the conference booth at the Spring Conference, coordination of the Academic Memorial Scholarship, selection and sale of MAPCO clothing and other merchandise, and representation of MACPO at other conferences and vendor events.

Committee Chair
Emily Ostlund, Goodhue County Probation

Committee Members:
Melissa Holthaus of Wright County Court Services
Tammi Solarz of Wright County Court Services
Daniel Schaeppi of Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge
Megan Nadeau of MN Department of Corrections

CLICK HERE to contact the Chair of the Membership Committee

Committee Goals:
Advertise for and choose one recipient for the Academic Memorial Scholarship
Professionally represent MACPO at college job fairs and maintain list of college students
Encourage 100% membership from CPO counties and maintain current membership roster
Seek membership from agents in other delivery systems and college students
Update and supply all written MACPO materials
Coordinate attendance and participation in other conferences like MCA or MACCAC; represent MACPO at any applicable vendor events
Manage registration for Spring Conference
Update and maintain the display board and other booth materials
Select and sell MACPO clothing and other merchandise and promotional items
2025 Minnesota Association of Probation Officers. All Rights Reserved.