Legislative Committee

This committee is responsible for coordinating and monitoring all legislative affairs for MACPO. The committee meets monthly or as otherwise needed. Activities of the committee include working closely with the MACPO lobbyist, meeting with key legislators prior to the legislative session, hosting a "Capitol Day" for MACPO, collaborating with other corrections associations, and attending legislative hearings that impact membership.

Committee Chair
Nicole Grams of Waseca County Probation

Committee Members:
Jim Schneider of Cass County Probation
Brad Messenbrink of Cass County Probation
Lucas Athey of Kanabec County Court Services
Andrew Maagard of Kanabec County Court Services
Joannie Gontarek of Otter Tail County Probation
Lyndon Stinson of Freeborn County Probation
Terry Fawcett of Pine County Probation
Traci Green of Wabasha County Probation
Jon Schiro of Waseca County Probation
Nicole Grams of Waseca County Probation

CLICK HERE to contact the Chair of the Legislative Committee

Committee Goals:
Oversee the MAPCO lobbyist's activities and ensure they are in accordance with the current "MACPO Agreement for Services"
Give clear direction to MACPO's lobbyist on activities related to specific legislation
Continue to prepare the yearly MACPO Legislative Position Statement and Initiatives and obtain formal approval from the MACPO Executive Board
Distribute and discuss the Legislative Position Statement and Initiatives and with key legislators prior to the start of the Legislative Session
Actively pursue the yearly initiatives throughout the Legislative Session
Continue to monitor and develop positions on various bills affecting MACPO membership
Make positions known to legislators through the use of lobbyist contact, formal statements, and "fact sheets"
Provide testimony supporting or opposing the pending legislation
Continue to keep MACPO leadership informed of legislative Committee activity and of positions on pending legislation by the Chair attending the MACPO Executive Board meetings

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